Friday, July 26, 2013



Today it hit me like a load of bricks -- the unbelievably beautiful and blessed life God has given me. For sometime now, I'm afraid the sneaky siren of comparison had slithered into my mind when I wasn't looking and became so in tune with my thoughts that I began interpreting them as my own. Feelings of "less than" and "not enough" began to ickify my soul along with their friends, worry and fear. These are the companions that all to often get cozy and at home in my life and then as they nestle into their familiar spots, I begin to overlook them like the carpet stain that when it first occurred glared frighteningly at you every time you crossed its path, but now is not even recognized as something that shouldn't be a part of the room. These feelings make themselves at home inside me and before I know it I am playing the role of hostess, asking if they would like cream or sugar in their tea.

Why do I not notice them immediately for the sinful states they are?

But sometimes I am gifted with a rush of clarity from God reminding me that all my worth and all my value comes from God alone -- nowhere else. No comparison with anyone other than Christ will help me on this path to holiness. Only resting and trusting in God will guide me to becoming more and more of what God wants me to be.

The distractions of this world are far too prevalent and I'm sure they will lure and entice me again into those icky feelings, but my prayer today is that God would renew my mind and my heart to recognize those situations when they arise and to race to Him immediately before they find a resting place.

But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him. Romans 5:8 The Message

This Scripture emphasizes to me the overwhelming love God has for me and for you. May we rest in this love today and everyday.

Blessings on the journey.

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