Monday, July 22, 2013

Wash Away

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="487"]Image Source: Microsoft Word Clip Art[/caption]

We sat together eyes closed, heads bowed.  The familiar melody rang through the air.  The melody of a hymn such a part of me that I could recall the words in my sleep.

What can wash away my sin?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

What can make me whole again?  

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh, precious is the flow that makes me white as snow.  

No other fount I know.

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Those words written by Robert Lowry so many years ago still speak to our souls.  As the stillness and quiet of prayer took over the service, I grasped my husband's hand and heard the sound of raindrops beating down on the roof of the church.  It was in that moment that I was drawn back to the truth in the text of the hymn.  What can wash away all of my sin, all my mistakes?  What can bring wholeness?  Nothing but Jesus.  Could the rain be another reminder from God, another promise to us?  Do not dwell on the past for it has been washed away.  You have been renewed, refreshed, my child.

We have experienced an unprecedented amount of rain in our area lately and I am so thankful for it.  With it's abundance the grass is greener and the world looks brighter.  If we allow the truth of God's love to fully indwell us, will we be more vibrant, more life-filled as well?

This is all my hope and peace.

This is all my righteousness.

The blood of Jesus and the love he has for us.  His saving grace.  All our hope.  All our peace.  All that any good in our lives can come from.  If we truly let go of all the past worry, doubt, and mistakes that keep us from clear communion with God and cling with repentant hearts to our only Hope, then we will experience the life abundant God calls us to.  The journey of letting go and learning to trust is the one I find myself on and each day, each step on the path is a challenge, but pursuing holiness is worth it.  The beauty is we never walk it alone.

May the love of Jesus Christ indwell you richly and renew you day by day.

Blessings for the journey.

1 comment:

  1. I just finished a quiet time that just broke me and I thought this was the perfect time to read this blog.
