Genesis 1:9-13
In this set of verses we see waters gather, dry land appear, and God creates plants and fruit trees with seed. God sets the stage for the appropriate {perfect} environment for His creation and for its continuation. He has purpose for all He does. God creates with purpose!
Do you ever question your existence? The meaning of your life? Know this, my friend, you were created with a purpose in mind. You know those things you love to do? Those things that come naturally, that you just brush off and tell yourself, "oh, everybody can do that. It's nothing special." That is a lie from the enemy himself. I believe that the enemy doesn't want you to live into your God-given gifts and he will do everything in his power to infiltrate your thoughts with lies until you start believing them to be true, but hear me, precious and beloved child of God, it is a lie to think your gifts are not important, valuable, and purposeful to your loving Heavenly Father.
Just the fact that I'm writing these words and will hit publish for them to go out into the great beyond, takes my full assurance and trust that these words are meant to be shared. You see, I've believed the lie, too. I can't tell you how many times I've pushed away the thought of writing and speaking because of the enemy's poisonous darts, saying there are plenty of others ministering to the needs of the world. Carroll, you aren't good enough at writing and speaking to share. Carroll, you don't have anything to share that someone else needs to hear. Even, Carroll, why do you think that God wants you to share these things? What if you aren't hearing His voice and are mistaking your own thoughts for those of God? What if your message will cause more harm than good?
Does anyone else identify with this? So today, I'm saying no to the lies of the enemy. No to his luring talk of spending more time looking at my Instagram feed or catching up on the latest TV series instead of taking my precious naptime minutes and focusing on the messages God has spoken to me. The enemy has tried to silence God's inner voice in my mind by keeping the busy and whirling thoughts in my head spinning long enough that I have trouble slowing down just enough to catch what God is saying to me. But through the ministry of Amy Hale's Instagram posts this week, God has given me a clear message that these words must be shared. I've been disobedient and running away for far too long.
Is there something you know God is calling you to, but you've been hesitant because the enemy has whispered in your ear, saying it's not important, people will mock you, it will cause more harm than good? Step out, beloved. Act on our good God's calling in your heart. Maybe it's been a long time since you have sat in the stillness to even remember what those longings deep within you are. The daily to dos and projects have piled high and all your haggered breath seems to have time for is
working toward completing an ever-growing tower of tasks. Stop. Breath in. Breath out. Close your eyes and pause. It's in the quiet that God's still small voice can be most easily heard. God is with you in whatever storm of life you face as well, beloved, but in that stillness, there is something special. He longs to speak to you in that place. It is why you see Jesus practicing the art of getting away by himself. Jesus shows us the importance of that time alone with God.
Hear these words, beloved child of God, you were created with purpose. What will your life speak to the rest of creation this day?
Linking up with Erika and Ashley for their Tuesday Thoughts today.